Dave's Services

set Goal | Focus | succeed

Life Coaching

A life coach is almost like a sculptor who can look at you and see the potential for you to achieve all you desire. Through specific strategies and skills, Dave helps you define yourself and create the life you envision.

Dave will help you focus, provide direction, challenge you, support you, motivate you and celebrate with you.

Dave will help you create a plan, detail action steps and hold you accountable for following through. Dave uses skills that include observing, listening deeply, asking empowering questions, challenging and motivating.

Dave does not counsel or analyze the past. Life coaching is based on the principle that the client has the intrinsic ability to determine and achieve their goals.

Everything is based on the present and what you want to achieve moving forward.

I feel like making dreams com true

When a client opens up to me as a life coach, it is because they trust and respect me and my judgement.  However, to ensure that I retain their trust, I make sure to uphold total confidentiality, no matter who approaches me or what the situation may be.

The best way to approach a client’s problems is to listen and understand what they have to say with empathy and then take a step back. Because the only way to help them is to be truly objective, and that cannot happen unless i am detached from the situation.

My clients are paying me to help them discover and confront the real issues they face. This truth can be hard to take at times and will cause discomfort. But the important thing to remember is that this discomfort is only momentary and is to keep moving forward and shall pass soon. I will support you through your progress.

Hit the mark

I will provide objective assessment and observations to help you in enhancing your self-awareness and your awareness of others. Together we will identify blind spots and roadblocks and hold you accountable to push yourself to achieve your goals and to go beyond your comfort zone.

I will provide the outside perspective you need to help you think outside of the box so you can keep on bringing in fresh ideas that will improve your business.  We will take stock of what is really important for you and decide what challenging actions to focus on as you try to reach a new level of success.

I come with the knowledge and experience to grow real businesses, as a result of discovering breakthroughs and implementing proven best-practice systems and processes, many of which are often too complex and difficult to implement without proper coaching.

Business Consulting

A business consultant will assist and guide the business owner in running a business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal goals.

Dave will help you to take your business from where it is now to where the you want it to be. 

Dave will help you plan and prioritize what actions and strategies are needed to help progress the business closer to its goals.  Dave will meet with you regularly to keep you on track to the commitments made during the past session.

A critical component of business consulting is accountability. I will act as a sounding board and when needed hold a mirror in front of you, highlighting your business and personal blind spots.



This service was born from clients requesting additional help.  It is a unique service tailored to the specific needs of the Individual. It includes: Active live observation of interactions, direct feedback and more. 

One of my clients was starting a new business and had an important meeting with a potential business partner.  She wanted to get an objective view of the meeting and wanted to get a live unbiased feedback when the meeting ended.

The opportunities are endless but our time is very much limited.  Having Dave by your side whether you are preparing for an important meeting, an interview, starting to work on a new project or just need an objective person, will take your abilities to the next level.  Dave will help you focus on the task at hand, providing you with live feedback and suggesting new ideas that you can use to improve time-management and productivity.

Live Feedback
Real Life Tools

There are countless situations where we find ourselves saying I should have done it differently.  As a partner in meetings or in your place of business I will provide you with Live Feedback to better manage your time and productivity.

Our minds often tend to drift. Being able to stay in the moment is critical to our success.  I will help you maintain your focus by keeping you to your goals. 

There are many different personalities in the world so not everything that works for one person will work for another.  Understanding your unique needs and tailoring the right real life tools to use is almost an art. I will help you find the tools that work best for your needs.

Thank you for reaching out!

Sorry, Not accepting new Clients

I regret to inform you that I am currently unable to accept new clients due to a fully-booked schedule. As I take pride in my work, I strive to maintain the quality of service I offer to my existing clients and avoid overburdening myself. I wouldn’t want to compromise the value I provide to them by taking on more work than I can handle.

Feel free to leave your details, and I will try to refer you to someone who can meet your needs. Alternatively, if any availability opens up in the near future, I will be sure to let you know. Thank you again for considering me.

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